CSA Scores Will Reflect Successfully Challenged Citations on August 23

Beginning on August 23, 2014, drivers who have had citations reduced, dismissed or overturned can report that information using the DataQs system and have the change reflected on their Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) score according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Previously, CSA scores remained unchanged regardless of the end outcome of the citation.
Drivers will be able to request through the DataQs system the removal of violations that were previously uploaded into FMCSA's Motor Carrier Management Information System by state enforcement agencies when a driver is found not guilty or if a violation is dismissed in court. FMCSA systems will continue to retain and display violations that result in a conviction or payment of fine, but those who plead to or are convicted of a lesser charge will have that information reflected in their score. FMCSA considered more than 100 public comments before finalizing the updated policy.
With this change, it's never been more important to have a great drivers legal plan on your fleet's side. Multi Service Fuel Card's sibling company, Open Road Drivers Plan, provides just that, offering local CDL attorneys across the United States to help drivers when they're in a pinch. Open Road Drivers plan currently provides CDL legal coverage to fleets both large and small all across the United States and offer discounted pricing for carrier partners. With a 90% success rate in having citations dismissed or reduced, it's a no brainer. Let us tell your drivers about Open Road Drivers Plan and the how they can get this additional layer of protection.
Contact Alex Clark by email or call him at 913-663-9567 to find out how to get your fleet covered today!
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